The Bernese GNSS Software is a scientific, high-precision, multi-GNSS data processing software developed at the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB). It is designed for operational and highly automated GPS/GLONASS post-processing activities (Galileo capability is available but not recommended for an operational use). State-of-the-art modeling, detailed control over all relevant processing options, powerful tools for automatization, the adherence to up-to-date, internationally adopted standards, and the inherent flexibility due to a highly modular design are characteristics of the Bernese GNSS Software. The software is available on UNIX/Linux, Mac, and Windows platforms and is distributed with user-friendly GUI, a built-in HTML-based help system, an extended user manual of about 650 pages and ready-to-use processing examples for different applications:
PPP (basic and advanced versions)
RINEX-to-SINEX (double-difference network processing)
Clock determination (zero-difference network processing)
LEO precise orbit determination based on GPS-data
SLR validation of GNSS or LEO orbits