Market Reports

Latest EO and GNSS Market Report

Previous GNSS Market Reports

User Technology Reports

Latest GNSS User Technology Report

Previous GNSS User Technology Reports

User Needs and Requirements

Report on Public Transport - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Agriculture and Forestry - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Aviation - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Consumer Solutions - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Emergency Management & Humanitarian Aid - User Needs and Requirements


Report on Energy & Raw Materials - User Needs and Requirements


Report on Infrastructure - User Needs and Requirements


Report on Insurance & Finance - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Maritime and Inland Waterways - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Rail - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Road and Automotive - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Surveying - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Time & Synchronisation - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Space - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Climate, Environment & Biodiversity - User Needs and Requirements

Report on Resilient Societies - User Needs and Requirements


Recommendations for Areas of Focus and Innovation Funding for EGNSS R&D – White Paper

Technical Reports


Using GNSS Raw Measurements on Android Devices


Understanding GNSS performance on Android using the GPS Test App

View and Download Report


The GNSS Service Centre (GSC)

The Galileo Reference Centre (GRC)

The Galileo Public Regulated Service (PRS)


To discover more on the European GNSS applications in different segments, visit the EUSPA Publication Library