The European GNSS Agency (GSA) will highlight how EGNOS is benefiting airports across Europe during a presentation at the World ATM Congress in Madrid.

The numbers don’t lie: EGNOS is a success. The number of LPV procedures publishedAviation Powered by #EGNOS is scheduled for 8 March from 14:00 – 15:00 in the Honeywell Tower Theatre. in Europe has tripled over the past two years – now exceeding 250. Considering upcoming EASA regulatory mandates, this pace of uptake is only expected to continue. More so, over 40 ANSPs have already introduced EGNOS at their airports – and with the recently declared LPV200 service many more are moving towards introduction.

To highlight how EGNOS is benefiting airports across Europe, the GSA is hosting a free educational conference during the World ATM Congress, March 8 – 10 in Madrid. The conference, entitled Aviation Powered by #EGNOS, will take place on 8 March from 14:00 – 15:00 in the Honeywell Tower Theatre. The GSA will be joined by representatives form Eurocontrol and ESSP, among others, to discuss such topics as:

  • EGNOS implementation status
  • The EGNOS Safety of Life (SoL) service
  • EU regulatory instruments encouraging PBN approach implementation
  • Current EASA mandates
  • Existing European support programmes
  • First-hand accounts from recent LPV implementations in Croatia and Belgium

In addition to the conference, the GSA invites you to a special welcome drink and award ceremony on 8 March at 12:30 at the EGNOS booth (stand 242). The event will recognise the EWA signatures and LPV procedures published in 2015.

For more information and to confirm your attendance, please contact us at

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