With nearly 40,000 visitors, the Ljubljana stop ranks at the fourth most visited European Space Expo of all time.

The European Space Expo in Ljubljana, Slovenia was a huge success. Running from March 6 – 15, With a total of 39,384 visitors, the Ljubljana stop ranks as the fourth most visited European Space Expo of all time.it enjoyed a constant flow of people entering throughout the week. With a total of 39,384 visitors, the Ljubljana stop ranks as the fourth most visited European Space Expo of all time and first in terms of number of visitors per capita.

The event was a particular hit with kids, with an astonishing 5,600 school children exploring the expo’s exhibits. The event is an excellent opportunity for students to see the many aspects of space, learn about the activities of the European Space Agency and gain a hands-on understanding of how satellite technology benefits their daily lives.

The European Space Expo’s iconic dome landed in the heart of Ljubljana. Special for this edition was the display of TRISTAT, Slovenia’s first micro satellite. A talk on the micro satellite was also given.

The European Space Expo is an initiative of the European Commission , with support of and the European GNSS Agency (GSA), that illustrates the services and applications derived from such European space programs as Galileo and EGNOS in a fun, interactive and accessible way. Since it was started, nearly 600,000 people have visited the European Space Expo.

The Expo continues to tour around Europe, educating people about the benefits of space exploration and the benefits of investing in space. Next up is Athens, where the Expo will land from March 27 through April 6.


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More information:

European Space Expo Slovenia

European Space Expo