The GSA invites you to join them during the 2015 World Mobile Congress in Barcelona for the Galileo Power Hour. The event, which will highlight the latest trends in location based consumer applications and Galileo’s role as a freely available location service for app developers and users, will take place 5 March from 10:00 – 11:00 in Hall 8, Theatre A.

    Click here to request a free invitation to the Galileo Power Hour

Application developers in particular will enjoy learning about Galileo’s role within a multi-constellation/multi-The GSA invites you to join them during the 2015 World Mobile Congress in Barcelona for a Galileo Power Hour.frequency GNSS environment, together offering improved accuracy and availability – especially important for the consumer applications often accessed in such difficult environments as urban canyons.

The European Union supports the development of innovative LBS applications through its FP7 and Horizon 2020 funding programmes. The GSA’s Galileo Power Hour is an excellent opportunity to learn how you can take advantage of the opportunities this EU-backing offers. Some examples of innovative apps developed with GSA support will also be presented. 

Why Galileo?

Galileo is the European global satellite-based navigation system, offering enhanced location information for mobile devices and creating new possibilities for applications – and with them new business opportunities. More than 40% of all mobile applications depend on GNSS positioning services, and Location Based Services (LBS) are used by millions of people every day.

In other words, there’s never been a better time for mobile app developers to take advantage of these services.

Galileo provides enhanced accuracy, improving on current GNSS capabilities and providing more accurate and reliable positioning, even in urban environments where buildings often obscure signals. Galileo is 100% interoperable with other GNSS services, including GPS, and these services are already benefiting from the use of Galileo satellites.

Learn more about the Mobile World Congress and request your free invitation to the Galileo Power Hour here.


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More information:

Horizon 2020 Page
Galileo Comes to the World Mobile Congress
Galileo Applications
GSA Location Based Services Brochure
World Mobile Congress