With both the European Union’s (EU) global flagship space programmes, Galileo and Copernicus, now delivering services to users around the world, for the first time the EU - represented by the European Commission and the European GNSS Agency (GSA) - will have a strong presence at the 33rd Space Symposium event, held 2-6 April in Colorado Springs, USA.

The first week of April sees the opening of the 33rd Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S.A. This much-anticipated annual event will bring together more than 10,000 space leaders from around the world to discuss, address and plan for the future of space.
The Space Symposium over the years has become widely known as the premier U.S. space policy and program forum, but this year attendees will see a stronger international presence with the European Commission and the European GNSS Agency (GSA) featured prominently throughout the four-day program (3-6 April).

According to GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides, the larger EU profile at the event this year reflects the December 2016 Declaration of Galileo Initial Services.

EU Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska and GSA Executive Director Carlos des Dorides are among the EU officials presenting the EU’s flagship space programmes at the upcoming 33rd annual Space Symposium.

“While Copernicus has been in operation since 2014, the 2016 Galileo declaration means that it has moved from a system in testing to one that is now operational,” explains des Dorides. “This transition puts Galileo at the centre of discussions on how to leverage and incorporate Galileo signals and services in devices serving a wide range of applications.”

Along with Mr. des Dorides, the European Union Space Programmes will be represented at this year’s Space Symposium by EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commission Deputy Director General, Pierre Delsaux, and European Commission Director for Galileo, Matthias Petschke.

The European Union will also host a stand at the Symposium exhibition for attendees to meet EU officials and learn more about the services offered by the EU Flagship Space Programmes, Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus. Space Symposium attendees are also invited to a meet and greet reception at the EU exhibit stand on Tuesday evening (4 April) from 6-8 p.m.

GSA also partners in Space Generation Fusion Forum 2017

For the first time, the GSA will partner in the Space Generation Fusion Forum, providing insights on the ‘Space to Earth’ track. 2017 marks the sixth edition of the event. Held in conjunction with the Space Symposium, the two-day Fusion Forum (2-3 April) will gather young adults from various areas of space – government, industry, and academia.

As part of GSA participation, it has awarded a Space Generation Fusion Forum scholarship. The ‘Young GSA – New Navigation Horizons Scholarship’ invited European students and young professionals to share their views in a 30-second video and 400-word essay on the possibilities that Galileo in a multi-GNSS world can bring to society, business and European integration.

 The 33rd Space Symposium provides the follow opportunities to learn more about the EU Space Programmes:
  • Sunday, 1 April: 2017 Space Generation Fusion Forum
    Carlo des Dorides, GSA Executive Director, will provide a key note speech and lead the discussion on track “Space for Earth,” which will explore ways in which space services can be leveraged for the benefit of life on Earth and how new GNSS systems like Galileo will impact industry and government operations, and possibly create entirely new services.
  • Monday, 3 April: Space Symposium – Tech Track
    During his keynote presentation, “The next big thing! Exploring the latest technology trends shaping the positioning solutions of the future,” des Dorides will share highlights from a recent GSA report on the latest GNSS technology and analyze trends that are sure to change the entire GNSS landscape.
  • Monday, 3 April: Space Generation – Fusion Forum
    European Commission (DG GROW) Deputy Director General, Pierre Delsaux will provide the closing keynote address.
  • Tuesday, 4 April: EU Space Programmes meet & greet reception
    Exhibit Center Pavilion, Stand 1116
  • Wednesday, 5 April: Space Symposium
    EU Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska will be the featured speaker.
  • Thursday, 6 April: Space Symposium - Maritime Domain Awareness
    European Commission Galileo Programme Director, Matthias Petschke will present the new Galileo Search and Rescue Service (SAR).


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