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The European GNSS Service Centre is open to help users

21 February 2018

On the 14th of May 2013, Antonio Tajani, the Vice- President of the European Commission, responsible for enterprise and industry policy, and Ana Pastor, Spanish Minister of Transport, inaugurated the European GNSS Service Centre in the Loyola de Palacio building in Spain.
European Satellite Navigation Competition 2013 kicked off in Vienna

21 February 2018

The 21st European Navigation Conference culminated with the international kick-off for this year’s European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC). For 2013 this prestigious competition has prizes totalling € 1 million.
Are you the next EGNOS Application Entrepreneur?

21 February 2018

With the official international kick-off for the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) in Vienna on 25th of April, entries are now open for the 2013 GSA Special Topic Prize. Innovative ideas with business potential using European GNSS are once more being sought with a valuable business prize on offer for the best product or service concept.
GSA executive director hails paradigm shift from development to services

21 February 2018

Historically the main focus of the GSA has been the development of the Galileo and EGNOS satellite systems; but GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides sees service delivery as the main key to the success of the agency over the next seven years.
New EGNOS Open Service Definition released!

21 February 2018

The European Commission has released version 2.0 of the EGNOS Open Service Definition Document (SDD). The revised document reflects recent improvements in EGNOS geographic coverage and other enhancements.
GSA and the European Commission meet the mobile developer community at Mobile World Congress

21 February 2018

As the mobile industry continues to grow, new opportunities open up for collaboration with the European space industry. Michel Bosco from European Commission, Head of Application Development for the Galileo and EGNOS programs, was present at Mobile World Congress explaining the mobile developers what are the upcoming challenges and opportunities brought by Galileo & EGNOS.
EGNOS: Key to RUC interoperability

21 February 2018

Road User Charging (RUC) is a hot topic in Europe and globally. The clear case for satellite based systems that offer a sustainable, lower cost solution and can facilitate interoperability between national and regional systems was made to the recent 10th Annual RUC Conference in Brussels on 5 and 6 March.
Road User Charging: Belgian insights

21 February 2018

Belgium is making preparations for introducing a Road User Charging (RUC) scheme for heavy vehicles. This scheme could potentially be extended to all vehicles across the country in a few years time. Meanwhile a small case study in the Belgian city of Leuven has shown how a RUC scheme based on satellite technology could help relieve congestion and change driver behaviour.
GSA SME showcase success in Prague

21 February 2018

Since relocating to Prague, the European GNSS Agency (GSA) has worked to engage the business community with the many opportunities offered by the EU’s space programmes. On 27 March the GSA’s HQ hosted a very successful workshop for Czech SMEs and other business organisations and individuals to present the potential of this major growth area.
Mapping gravity more accurately

21 February 2018

By combining GNSS and EGNOS augmented positioning with airborne inertial measurements and a global gravity model, also derived from space-based technology, the Galileo for Gravity project is developing an accurate, cost effective gravimetry surveying service. This has tremendous potential for enhancing activities such as mineral prospecting and a wide range of other commercial and academic applications.